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Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health

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Institution: Association of Schools & Programs of Public Health (ASPPH)

Description: Students and applicants may receive one copy of each borchure at no cost upon request.

Brochures includes:

  • Pocket Folder containing "What is public health", "Reach", "You Can Make a Difference, Pursue a Career in Public Health", as well as general information such as graduate education in public health, traineeships, frequently asked questions, Delta Omega, current tuition of schools of public health, tec.
  • What is Public Health?: Summary of public health and the eleven areas of study.
  • Reach for Opportunity, for Fulfillment, for a Career in Public Health: Outlines potential careers and job opportunites in public health.

Target Audience: Public health professionals

Resource Format:  Printed brochures

More Information:

Rquest for information should be sent to:

1900 M Street NW, Suite 710
Washington, DC 20036