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Quarantine and Isolation

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Quarantine and Isolation Law

Image of newspaper with Quarantine and Isolation headline, overlaid by course title

There are three modules in this course:

  • Iowa Legal Code and Quarantine and Isolation provides a detailed account of the legal tools available in Iowa code and how to use them. You will have the opportunity to test your understanding of the material presented at various points in the module.
  • Quarantine and Isolation During a Public Health Disaster contains information on legal tools that can be used during a public health disaster. Included in this...
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Quarantine and Isolation

Collage of Quarantine and Isolation situations

There are three sections in this course:

  • Section 1: Iowa Legal Code and Quarantine and Isolation provides a detailed account of the legal tools available in Iowa code and how to use them. You will have the opportunity to test your understanding of the material presented at various points in the module.
  • Section 2: Quarantine and Isolation During a Public Health Disaster contains information on legal tools that can be used during a public health...
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