The Development and Implementation of County Quarantine and Isolation Rules

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Institution: Upper Midwest Public Health Training Center

Course Description: Since the events of 9/11, it has become increasingly evident that the United States must plan for the quarantine of potentially exposed individuals or animals, and the isolation of infected persons or animals, in case of an emergency response or a bioterrorism event.  The Iowa Department of Public Health has adopted rules for the isolation and quarantine of Iowa citizens or animals when necessary.  These rules allow Iowa counties to adopt rules and regulations of their own.  Iowa counties and their respective boards of health should evaulate their current existing local provisions and authority, and adopt these rules accordingly.  Quarantine and isolation procedures should describe the conditions in which they might be implemented, including enforcement provisions and a due process to protect those who are isolated or quarantined.

Prerequisites: None.

Target Audience: Public health practitioners

Resource Format: Streaming video, CD, DVD, VHS

Time Requirement: 1 hour

More Information: To watch the streaming video, register on the Prepare Iowa Learning Management System.