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Excellence in Public Health Practice: Lessons from the Field

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Institution: University of Iowa Institute of Public Health Practice

Course Description: "Excellence in Public Health Practice: Lessons from the Field" is an innovate orientation to the Ten Essential Services.  Each essential public health service is illustrated using first-person stories told by practitioners from Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota.  The goal of the 12-part series is to integrate essential service activities with effective public health workforce development.  The series is available on CD-ROM, videotape, DVD, and on the Prepare Iowa Learning Management System.

Prerequisites: None.

Target Audience: Public health practitioners

Resource Format: CD-ROM, videotape, DVD, online

Time Requirement: 12 hours

More Information: For additional information or to order the series on DVD, CD-ROM, or VHS format, please contact Samara Wright at or (319) 384-4114.  The entire course is also available on the Prepare Iowa Learning Management System