Mass Care: Drill & Exercises

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Public Health Emergency Exercise Toolkit
This toolkit, from the Columbia University School of Nursing, is intended to guide local public health agency staff in (1) developing, implementing, and evaluating emergency drills and exercises, and (2) facilitating the public health aspects of larger, multiagency emergency exercise events. The toolkit provides essential guidance including templates, checklists, and forms to assist with every stage of the exercise process. Emphasis is on identification of objectives during the planning phase, a critical step for ensuring a meaningful postexercise evaluation. The information in this document is consistent with the approaches recommended by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Domestic Preparedness (ODP) and the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).

Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Public Health Exercise—A Dirty Bomb Disaster
This interactive training course from the Tarrant County Advanced Practice Center assists public health and emergency management professionals in designing and conducting a full-scale disaster exercise. Video footage details Tarrant County's full-scale dirty bomb disaster drill, which was conducted in Texas during November 2004. This tool also includes an interactive training manual and a lecture series focused on the design and evaluation components of a public health exercise.