OTP Earthquake Tabletop Exercise
From CIDRAP: Patients who cannot access their designated opioid treatment center during a disaster could begin experiencing withdrawal symptoms, or worse, could relapse. With support from the King County Healthcare Coalition, stakeholders in King County, Washington, formed partnerships, created tools, and challenged the region's capacity to ensure continuity of care for such patients. The effort involved 14 months of quarterly stakeholder workgroup meetings, a multisector tabletop exercise, clarified roles, and formalized agreement on how to dispense medication during disasters. Downloadable tools include Tabletop Exercise, After Action Report and Improvement Plan, and more.
National Planning Scenarios
The Federal interagency community has developed 15 all-hazards planning scenarios (the National Planning Scenarios or Scenarios) for use in national, Federal, State, and local homeland security preparedness activities. The Scenarios are planning tools and are representative of the range of potential terrorist attacks and natural disasters and the related impacts that face our nation. The objective was to develop a minimum number of credible scenarios in order to establish the range of response requirements to facilitate preparedness planning.