Public Health Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation: Resources

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Building a Public Health Community of Practice—A Biosurveillance Resource Compendium
Building a Public Health Community of Practice – A Biosurveillance Resource Compendium is a toolkit intended to help public health agencies implement an effective, comprehensive biosurveillance program. Providing approximately 40 resources, the toolkit ncludes a series of articles on implementing biosurveillance initiatives, materials defining and discussing the development of a public health community of practice, specific examples of real-world tools and resources that have proven beneficial in North Texas (including system response protocols), and a research report on biosurveillance system efficacy.


Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) Toolkit
The Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects, Health Studies Branch (DEHHE/HSB) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed the Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) toolkit to assist personnel from any local, regional, state, or federal public health departments in conducting the CASPER during disaster. One of the main objectives in developing this toolkit is to standardize the assessment procedures focusing on United States disaster response. The CASPER toolkit provides guidelines on data collection tool development, methodology, sample selection, training, data collection, analysis, and report writing.


Inclusive Just-in-Time Training (I-JITT) for Public Health Investigations
This comprehensive and systematic toolkit is designed to support individuals leading and responding to a public health emergency. Its approach to training is aligned with best practice from the field of adult learning theory. The toolkit consists of five components: Implementation Instructions for the Preparedness Planner, an Operational Briefing Checklist for the Epidemiology/Surveillance Group Supervisor, a Field Training Guide for Team Leaders (complete with Job Action Sheets), a “Go-Guide” job aide for surge responders to utilize during an incident, and a short evaluation form to evaluate the I-JITT approach. This toolkit is designed to be adaptable to the changing environment of an emergency response and includes tips on how to integrate I-JITT into a local response, whether training lasts five minutes or an hour. Any health department interested in adopting the toolkit can access a hard copy of the product at NACCHO’s toolbox or download PDF/MS Word files that can be tailored to meet the needs of a local jurisdiction