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Section V: Iowa Public Health Modernization

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Section V: Iowa Public Health Modernization

Through the Modernizing Public Health in Iowa initiative, a partnership between local and state public health is working to advance the quality and performance of public health in Iowa.
The Public Health Advisory Council, developed by the Public Health Modernization Act (Iowa Code Chapter 135A), promotes the use of the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) Standards and Measures in local and state public health departments.  The standards are helpful in understanding the roles and responsibilities of public health departments.  Domain twelve of the standards focuses specifically on the local board of health.
Some local agencies are applying for accreditation through PHAB, while others are using the standards to guide their work and planning.
The PHAB standards can be found at:
If you have questions about Modernizing Public Health in Iowa please contact Joy Harris, the Modernizing Public Health in Iowa Coordinator at 515-281-3377 .



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