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A Shelter Story: Integrating Functional Needs Support Services (FNSS) into Emergency Shelter Plans

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Provider: Upper Midwest Preparedness and Emergency Response Center

Course Description: This course tells the story of one community’s efforts to collaborate on improvements to its emergency shelter plans. You are invited to participate in these efforts, working with the county's Emergency Manager and other stakeholders to update plans last revised five years ago. As the story unfolds, you encounter questions asking you to identify relevant facts or to select the best course of action for making improvements to the planning process and its outcomes. Need help answering a question? Click on Help to see excerpts from publications included in the FNSS Resource Toolkit that comes with this training.

Time to complete: 1 hour

Learning objectives:

After participating in this scenario, learners should be able to:

  • Identify FNSS-related gaps in shelter plans.
  • Relate demographic information to a community’s FNSS-related needs.
  • Adopt strategies for providing FNSS in mass-care settings.
  • Partner with FNSS providers by means of MOUs and other types of agreements.
  • Engage people with FNSS-related needs in shelter planning.

Target audience: Emergency managers, shelter planners, and other mid-level public health professionals responsible for community preparedness

Access at A Shelter Story: Integrating Functional Needs Support Services (FNSS) into Emergency Shelter Plans

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