Capability 2: Community Recovery
Definition: Community recovery is the ability to collaborate with community partners, (e.g., healthcare organizations, business, education, and emergency management) to plan and advocate for the rebuilding of public health, medical, and mental/behavioral health systems to at least a level of functioning comparable to pre-incident levels, and improved levels where possible. This capability supports National Health Security Strategy Objective 8: Incorporate Post-Incident Health Recovery into Planning and Response. Post-incident recovery of the public health, medical, and mental/behavioral health services and systems within a jurisdiction is critical for health security and requires collaboration and advocacy by the public health agency for the restoration of services, providers, facilities, and infrastructure within the public health, medical, and human services sectors. Monitoring the public health, medical and mental/behavioral health infrastructure is an essential public health service.
Functions and Associated Performance Measures: This capability consists of the ability to perform the functions listed below. At present there are no CDC-defined performance measures for these functions.
Function 1: Identify and monitor public health, medical, and mental/behavioral health system recovery needs
Function 2: Coordinate community public health, medical, and mental/behavioral health system recovery operations
Function 3: Implement corrective actions to mitigate damages from future incidents