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Community Preparedness: Drills & Exercises

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Exercise Design with HSEEP
This 3-day workshop provides participants an opportunity to review their Homeland Security Strategy and Multi-year Exercise Plan.  The Exercise Planning Workshops (EPW) facilitate the evaluation of, and updates to, existing emergency plans. This face-to-face training is offered periodically by Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management.

Moving Beyond HSEEP, Creating Well-Functioning Teams for Preparedness Response
University of Minnesota Centers for Public Health Education and Outreach developed this comprehensive train-the-trainer package to be used by those who educate and conduct exercises involving public health department staff with emergency response roles. The intent of this training package is to improve team communications, functionality, efficiency and effectiveness by teaching and giving participants opportunities to practice key communication strategies and tools. It provides participants with basic knowledge about high reliability teams and organizations, as well as step-by-step functional exercise guidelines.

This tool can be used as initial training for staff with new response roles, new to the department, or as a refresher training. The package includes instructor materials (training content and script, instructor manual), student materials, debrief facilitation guidance, exercise packet, and pre- and post-training assessments. The training takes approximately 60-90 minutes to deliver and can be delivered in a classroom setting or via distance learning methods.

Public Health Emergency Exercise Toolkit: Planning, Designing, Conducting, and Evaluating Local Public Health Emergency Exercises
This toolkit, from the Columbia University School of Nursing, is intended to guide local public health agency staff in (1) developing, implementing, and evaluating emergency drills and exercises, and (2) facilitating the public health aspects of larger, multiagency emergency exercise events. The toolkit provides essential guidance including templates, checklists, and forms to assist with every stage of the exercise process. Emphasis is on identification of objectives during the planning phase, a critical step for ensuring a meaningful postexercise evaluation. The information in this document is consistent with the approaches recommended by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of Domestic Preparedness (ODP) and the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).