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Information Sharing: Online Trainings

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 Don't Panic: Principles of Crisis and Risk Communication Scenario
This interactive scenario, developed by UMPERLC, provides training in the principles of crisis and risk communication during a response for a public health emergency. This scenario is intended for health practitioners who wish to improve their ability to effectively communicate with the public, media, health care providers, and response community during a public health emergency. Estimated time to complete is one hour.
Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication for Health Educators - Part A: Recognizing Reactions
Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication for Health Educators, Part B: Understanding Your Role as a Health Educator
Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication for Health Educators - Part C: Communicating the Message
This series of short courses, from the Harvard PERLC, are designed to present the participant with information on risk communication during emergency situations with a particular emphasis on how an health educator can play an integral role in effectively communicating health messages or preventive measures during a crisis, and what challenges she/he may face. Learning objectives focus on ‘using principles of crisis and risk communication,’ which is competency 2.2 under Communicate and Manage Information. Total time to complete all three courses is one hour.