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IS-800 National Response Plan (NRP) An Introduction

Category: Public Health Administration

The National Response Plan, or NRP, specifies how resources of the Federal Government will work in concert with state local and tribal governments as well as the private sector to respond to Incidents of National Significance. The NRP is predicated on the National Incident Management System (NIMS). Together NRP and NIMS provide a nationwide template for working together to prevent or respond to threats and incidents regardless of cause size or complexity. The IS-800 course is designed primarily for Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other Federal department/agency personnel responsible for implementing the National Response Plan

Intended Audience

Government executives, private-sector and nongovernmental organization (NGO) leaders, and emergency management practitioners. This includes senior elected and appointed leaders, such as Federal department or agency heads, State Governors, mayors, tribal leaders, and city or county officials – those who have a responsibility to provide for effective response.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to describe:

  • The purpose of the National Response Framework.
  • The response doctrine established by the National Response Framework.
  • The roles and responsibilities of entities as specified in the National Response Framework.
  • The actions that support national response.
  • The response organizations used for multiagency coordination.
  • How planning relates to national preparedness.

You can find more information about the National Response Framework by clicking on the following link

Pre-requisites/Learning Level


Competencies addressed

CEUs Offered





Online Self-Pace


3 hours

Presenter(s) and/or Content Experts

National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG), U.S. Department of Agriculture, United State Fire Administration’s National Fire Programs Branch

Technical requirements

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 
  • Flash Player 
  • Speakers

Registration requirements

Register a free account

Creation and/or update

January 1, 2017