
Category View: Displaying 1 - 10 of 16

Digital Access for Everyone

Digital Access for Everyone is an introduction to digital accessibility. It is broken into short modules to give you a basic overview how to make your content more accessible.

Exploring Cross-Cultural Communication

Course Title surrrounded by Ten Essential Services

This course invites learners to spend time thinking about and developing their own responses to a variety of ideas and situations about culture, communication and public health. Learners will explore the meaning of culture, methods of communications, and strategies for communicating more effectively.

Intended Audience


Learning Objectives:

  • Give examples of discriminating and non-discriminating practices in providing public health services...
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Cross-Cultural Communication and Nutrition Assessment

A woman holding a baby

This course is designed for WIC personnel and other health care providers who complete nutrition assessments. Awareness of cross-cultural communication allows WIC personnel to create a more rich and enhanced assessment and counseling experiences with clients. The goals of the course are to:

  • Describe cross-cultural communication and why it is necessary in practice.
  • Provide examples of effective communication techniques when completing nutrition...
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Productive Communication Skills

Contact: Brandi Bordelon
Phone: (504) 988-1342

This course is designed to provide you with the communication skills you will need to help you take the next step up in your organization. After taking this course, you will be able to reach a positive outcome with those you supervise by understanding personal communication style differences, using turn-taking...

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Effective Communication for Environmental Public Health

Contact: N/A
Phone: (206) 685-1130

Do you find yourself struggling to communicate your public health message? This self-paced, interactive module is designed for public health professionals, especially those responsible for implementing environmental health programs. It introduces key communication strategies to help field workers successfully educate the...

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Leadership Management Communication

No matter how effective a leader/manager you already are, this course is designed to refresh and refine the skills needed to lead your teams to success in today's fast-paced and stressful health care environment.  By exploring effective leadership styles and strategies, this course provides specific tools to enhance leadership/management communication.

Intended Audience:

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the course, you should be able to do the following:

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Managing Diversity Begins With You

The purpose of this intermediate course is to acquire a conceptual framework with tools to manage diversity in the workplace as a way of improving service delivery, quality, and accessibility. It is expected that each participant will be able to identify their role in their own organization with respect to diversity and cultural competency and to position their organization as a leading organization in the delivery of culturally competent services.

Intended Audience:


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Improving Interpersonal Communication and Relationships

The purpose of this course is to focus on the communication skills you will need as a leader in a public health department. It is well known that having effective communication skills is crucial to managing staff and clients in a cooperative and functional manner, and that being able to clearly present ideas enhances career mobility. The communication elements discussed in this course are designed to provide insight into your professional and personal communication.


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The Messenger Chronicles: Managing Stress and Time

Title  - The Messenger Chronicles! Effective Communication Strategies for Difficult Conversations

The "Messenger Chronicles" online training series presents ideas for communication in difficult situations.  The "Managing Stress and Time" module, helps learners to recognize the symptoms of stress and the factors that may increase their susceptibility to stress.  Strategies to manage stress are offered in the scenario-based training.  Learners are also given a framework for managing and prioritizing tasks to help minimize "stress-causing" situations.  Job aids like the "Project Startup...

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Managerial Communications

On completion of this course, the user will be able to demonstrate written and oral communication skills that are needed as a leader in a health department by:  identifying communication skills, listing effective presentation skills, and distinguishing different writing techniques.

Intended Audience:

Learning Objectives:

  • Module 1:  Effective Interpersonal Communication - Distinguish the fundamental elements of message, explain the message model,...
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